Thank you for joining me on my journey to India!

It is the internship I have been talking about for months.
Official departure: October 1, 2011
Official return: December 11, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving India!!!

I took a vacation and a break from the hospital to celebrate the holiday I couldn't be home for. Slept in late. Big tatsy breakfast. Shopping. Shopping. HAND TURKEYS! Big delicious lunch/dinner. Shopping Shopping. Ending with The Chocolate Room's wonderful creations.
Ate way too much and took a nap! It was a wonderful day with even more amazing new friends. We even 'gave thanks' before dinner! YUM! (my thanksgiving good eats of the day will be posted soon)
I was full all day.
A successful Indian Thanksgiving 2011!

Miss you and love you all!!!

Gobble. Gobble.
India and Shelane!

1 comment:

  1. I can see the look in your eye with that chocolate dessert because I know Shelane and her desserts especially chocolate. Have fun this weekend at the beach. Love ya, Dad.
