Thank you for joining me on my journey to India!

It is the internship I have been talking about for months.
Official departure: October 1, 2011
Official return: December 11, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Im leaving on a jet plane.....

6 hours I am getting on a plane.

India. Bound.

Next time you hear from me I will be in India. Not North America, not South America... not the same continent.... ASIA!!!!

Packing was so hard. I am so glad I had my friends and family to help me. I am going to miss everyone SO SO SO much.

It is time to go.

It is in the NOW!!!! It is HAPPENING!

India and Shelane

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It is so close I can feel it.

Hello All!

Over the last three weeks I have been giving my blog website out to several new people. Patients, nurses, and doctors at the clinic my mom was at—people on the Amtrak, friends and family at random outings--- and probably most exciting for me… the professors that helped make this journey possible. So thank you to everyone who helped me get to where I am today.  Also, a special thank you to my program coordinators who made the decision to accept me out of 433 other students.  Welcome all the newly recruited IndiaandShelane blog followers; I appreciate your desire to follow me on the next three months. Expect more shout outs veryyyyy soon, but for now I need to touch on the subject that I will be leaving for India in a little less than 72 hours.

It is funny to look back at a post that I wrote 30 days ago. It never got posted because, at that time my access to wireless was limited, but for many reasons I decided to post it still (see below). I wrote mostly about immunizations, which like I said is slightly amusing at this point. That seems so far away considering at this point I have shopped and packed---okay sort of. Mostly the stuff I want to pack is in the same place piled in a corner.
^^ Side note: I am limited to a small duffle bag and backpack, yes, that’s right Shelane Oglesby is packing lightly, very, very lightly for a 3 month trip.

I have made to-do lists, and crossed things off the to-do lists (love that feeling). I have talked to people, those I have randomly crossed paths with, talked some more, and talked some more.

It is weird and coincidental that nearly everyone and anytime I mention India they either knows someone from India, has been to India, or has a story to tell about India. I have discussed opinions, likes and dislikes, and my personal favorite, and most definitely the most helpful, the people who were actually born and raised in India ß now that is 6 degrees of separation at its finest (kind of). I have learned many things that I hope make my transition easier… but as I have heard, nothing can actually prepare me;  if anything it can only be slightly helpful.

Here comes the but,…..BUT…….. even with all of this so called, preparation, I still feel like time is running short, oh wait… that’s because it is. 63 hours à 3,900 minutes à and 243,000 seconds. Not like I am fixating on numbers or doing the math or anything.  ;)

Anyway, at this point I am nervous but ready to take on the world (literally). Prepared, but doubtful, and above all----I am excited, but nervous but don’t worry---mostly excited! I would like to say, BRING IT ON! It has been nearly 6 months of applying, waiting, celebration, preparation,, vaccines, hello, and good byes. I guess, I am as ready as I will ever be.

Okay, that is it for now, as I have many errands to run, and desperately need to mark some more items off my to-do list. I will try and write about my supplies I have decided to pack, because I think most of you will find that fascinating, I know I have. If not, or I don’t have time, the next time I write it will be from India. Wooooo!

Once again, thanks to all the new followers. Please don’t forget to actually “follow” me on blogger that way you can get e-mail updates when I post.

For now, I am so excited, I hope you are too.

India and Shelane

A little late- 30 days ago- but still post worthy.

Hey everyone!

I know it has been a while since I have updated you all, but life has been unexpectedly crazy recently. It has been a bumpy ride, but what more can we say than life happens.

It is a crazy feeling to know that in 32 days I will be waking up in a country thousands of miles away from home. I have been doing my best to prepare myself—physically I am ready, I have my passport, a Visa allowing my extended stay in India, shots protecting my body from foreign pathogens and the mind set of “bring it on”. While all the proper preparations have been made, I cant help but think, that when it really comes down to it I am flying, walking, and running into the unknown. All of you will probably agree with me on that, because my last posts have consistently mentions that….. however, I just wanted to put it out there it one more time.

To go to India I was advised to protect myself with some immunizations, luckily I was already administered several throughout the years, but in addition to them, there was a whole list I had to choose from. In an earlier post I mentioned some of them, but I was still having a hard deciding which ones I wanted to get as there were so many risks and side effects tied to many of them. Well, about two weeks ago I made the trek to Eugene and finished up my vaccines. The following is the list of my preventative needle pricks, both past and recent:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Adult Polio
MMR- measles, mumps, rubella
Typhoid- (I wanted to get the oral Rx, but unfortunately I didn’t have a choice)
Malaria- (In pill form which I take once a day, the whole duration of my trip)

I chose not to get:
Japanese encephalitis

Whew! I think I now have the immune system of a large elephant.
Oh, wait…. What about all the pills I got prescribed for “other things”?! Hmm, Dehli Belly” anti-diarrheal, fluconazale :-/, three dosages of antibiotics, plan B for voluntary or involuntary protection (AH!) andddd lets not forget my own personal syringe pack incase for some reason I need another shot. Let me rephrase that, I WILL have the immune system of a large elephant…. Hopefully by mid November I will have built up some immunity to the many ‘bugs’ that could infest my body. I don’t like that word “infest”, at least, not when it is used in the context of MY body… but nonetheless, I know I will be just DANDY! 

Shelane and India

^^^ I have decided this will be my new sign off