Thank you for joining me on my journey to India!

It is the internship I have been talking about for months.
Official departure: October 1, 2011
Official return: December 11, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

It is my first day trying to blog and I am already messing up. Cool.

So, after re-reading my first two posts I discovered I didn't actually explain what I am doing in India and why I am going there.

Most of you know all of the details already, but for those of you who don't...

October 1 2011- December 20, 2011 I will be in India for a once in a lifetime  medical Internship. I will be spending ten weeks in a country I have never been to practicing medicine and participating in two different 5-week clinical rotations. Really I am not sure what to expect, but I will do my best to give you a sample of my near future

The first stop Dehradun

In Dehradun I am doing traditional medicine rotations.  What better place than to open my eyes to non-western medicine than India. I can receive a bachelors of Science anywhere in America, but spending 5 weeks with professionals who are both medical doctors, and also accupressure/Reiki/aryuvedic masters can be found no where else but India. I have read about practicing yoga at dawn and dusk, and spending days studying naturopathy and homeopathy. I cant even imagine the wonderful things that are in store for me. My highest career aspiration includes opening an east meets west medical facility. I hope to use this experience to incorporate an open-minded western practice in my professional future.

Next stop Pune

The next and final five weeks I will be a part of child and maternal health rotations. Spending my days in an advanced medical facility specializing particularly in child and maternal health care. This is where I expect to get my hands dirty. From what I have been told this is where my experience interning in the OHSU emergency room and cadaver dissection skills AKA proper use of a bone saw, scalpel and needles for suturing will come in handy. The girl who went previously helped amputate a foot, and I hope I am as lucky!!! I have seen a live birth, but who knows maybe I will get to assist in one here. Keep you fingers crossed!

When it boils down to it, I honestly don't know what this whole experience has in store for me. What I do know is that I will be packing SEVERAL boxes of latex gloves, suturing needles, my stethoscope, and a heart full of adventure.

I don't think I have been more eager to do anything in my entire life. I just want to dive right in, be of assistance where and whenever I can, and most importantly, get my hands dirty!

August 20th is my official orientation so stay tuned for the juicy details...

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