Thank you for joining me on my journey to India!

It is the internship I have been talking about for months.
Official departure: October 1, 2011
Official return: December 11, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A little late- 30 days ago- but still post worthy.

Hey everyone!

I know it has been a while since I have updated you all, but life has been unexpectedly crazy recently. It has been a bumpy ride, but what more can we say than life happens.

It is a crazy feeling to know that in 32 days I will be waking up in a country thousands of miles away from home. I have been doing my best to prepare myself—physically I am ready, I have my passport, a Visa allowing my extended stay in India, shots protecting my body from foreign pathogens and the mind set of “bring it on”. While all the proper preparations have been made, I cant help but think, that when it really comes down to it I am flying, walking, and running into the unknown. All of you will probably agree with me on that, because my last posts have consistently mentions that….. however, I just wanted to put it out there it one more time.

To go to India I was advised to protect myself with some immunizations, luckily I was already administered several throughout the years, but in addition to them, there was a whole list I had to choose from. In an earlier post I mentioned some of them, but I was still having a hard deciding which ones I wanted to get as there were so many risks and side effects tied to many of them. Well, about two weeks ago I made the trek to Eugene and finished up my vaccines. The following is the list of my preventative needle pricks, both past and recent:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Adult Polio
MMR- measles, mumps, rubella
Typhoid- (I wanted to get the oral Rx, but unfortunately I didn’t have a choice)
Malaria- (In pill form which I take once a day, the whole duration of my trip)

I chose not to get:
Japanese encephalitis

Whew! I think I now have the immune system of a large elephant.
Oh, wait…. What about all the pills I got prescribed for “other things”?! Hmm, Dehli Belly” anti-diarrheal, fluconazale :-/, three dosages of antibiotics, plan B for voluntary or involuntary protection (AH!) andddd lets not forget my own personal syringe pack incase for some reason I need another shot. Let me rephrase that, I WILL have the immune system of a large elephant…. Hopefully by mid November I will have built up some immunity to the many ‘bugs’ that could infest my body. I don’t like that word “infest”, at least, not when it is used in the context of MY body… but nonetheless, I know I will be just DANDY! 

Shelane and India

^^^ I have decided this will be my new sign off

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